Pastor Moses Pandian
201-993-4141/ [email protected]

India Ministry

Welcome to the India Ministry at Love of Jesus Indian Church ! Our mission is to extend love, hope, and support to communities in India through various outreach programs that address physical, educational, and spiritual needs. We are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve, guided by the teachings of Christ and driven by compassion.

Our Mission

Our India Ministry seeks to empower and uplift communities across India by providing essential resources, fostering education, and promoting spiritual growth. We aim to build strong, self-sustaining communities by working closely with local partners and leveraging the generosity of our church community.

LOJ focuses on winning the souls for Christ in villages in Tamil Nadu. We support Pastors who are taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the village people. Our support is result oriented towards bringing the souls for Christ. We have helped few pastors and we continue to help Pastors who are faithful to God and the ministry for His glory. We have built few Churches and also helped few pastors to complete their Church Building.

Programs and Activities

We are involved in several impactful programs throughout India, focusing on key areas of need:

  1. Education Initiatives
    • School Sponsorships: Providing scholarships and educational materials to children from underprivileged backgrounds.
    • After-School Programs: Offering tutoring and enrichment activities to help students excel academically.
  2. Health and Wellness
    • Medical Camps: Organizing free health camps and screenings to provide essential medical services to rural communities.
    • Nutrition Programs: Addressing malnutrition by distributing nutritious meals and supplements to children and families.
  3. Spiritual Growth and Support
    • Church Planting: Supporting the establishment of new churches and faith communities in underserved areas.
    • Bible Study Groups: Facilitating small group studies and fellowship gatherings to foster spiritual growth and community.
  4. Disaster Relief
    • Emergency Assistance: Providing immediate relief and long-term recovery support to communities affected by natural disasters.